You’re Pushing Me Further Away
Spewing Harshness in Every Word You Say
Asks me a question
Phone dies
I’m the one who calls back
Wondering why
Why am I the only one
To follow through
Why did you ask me something
If the genuinely wasn’t true
“What question?!”
“Holy shit just tell me!!!” you demand
“You don’t remember?” *instantly defensive*
Sinking in self-imposed quick sand
“Why can’t you just tell me?!”
I respond with a gentle truth
“I’m confused why you’re defensive…”
Compassion & sympathy could soothe
You don’t want to be soothed
You just want to be right
Chasing elusive “fulfillment”
Eyes closed, no sight
Open those eyes
Baby boy… just try
Start with your empathy now
You’re making her cry
Take a calming deep breath
Not an annoyed shallow sigh
She deserves your respect
You asked her about a massive life tie
Try it on for size
Each time you use it — everyone wins a prize
A prize of common curtesy
A gift of authentic love
A moment of shared lifetime
A pull instead of a shove
Why am I addicted to you
Is it because I wanted to be treated better?
Brought something back for you
Should I share? *eyes getting wetter*
Perhaps I’m still holding out
For the closure of common decency
Perhaps I’m still aching for connection
For you to actually meet me
Not the girl
You’ve built up a story about in your head
The woman here, now
Who focused on US… one you left in a shed
Flying home now
Still writing rhymes like this
Not sure if you’ll pick me up
Who knows if you’ll ever lean in for a kiss
Perhaps this is my grieving process
Some healing walk of fame
Let go of the past and future
Yet still sitting in this present shame
Shame of someone who said forever
Changing their mind bc they didn’t want to do the work
Too focused on consuming & scrolling
Choosing to stay stuck in the mirk
Disappointing myself by desiring kindness
Receiving a shitty attitude, craving a smirk
Maybe I’ll choose to be grateful
You’re pushing me further away
Making it easier for you to justify your sameness
By spewing harshness with every word you say