Vagabond Lovin’
Dating on the Move
Ride share to the border
Made it through to the next
Flying, more driving
I keep thinking of your sex
Volcanos, mountains
Trees, sunset
Every time I catch your eyes
My vulva gets tingly and wet
Shared my intention
To make some decisions
One thing I was scared of
Making choices with precision
Nervous because what if it all works out
Nervous because what if it doesn’t
All I can know is the here and now
Right now your hands on me
Traveling with you has been casual
Our relationship started on the move
Communication is steady and open
New places, always finding our groove
Last minute trip to Mexico
A day trip brought up by a 5yo’s whim
Spent a day at the water park
You teasing that I can’t swim
We’ve been across the country
You’ve showed me more of our backyard
Been to over 10 states and counting
With you it’s easy to let down any guard
Off roading in that sexy jeep
It’s intimate how well you understand it
Squeezing between trees looking up 30 feet
Climbing rocks, finding trails, never quit
Riding horses
Admiring the sunset
Debating fun topics
In waterfalls getting wet
Hiking, getting lost
Having strangers drive us home
Bringing bubbles everywhere we go
Making new friends wherever we roam
I’ll follow you, boo
Until the end of this lifetime
Cheers to falling more madly in love
This won’t be the last rhyme