Traveling with an Emotionally Absent Lover
Feels like I annoy you
Because this morning I didn’t understand
Asked you to turn off some irritating propaganda
Instead of explaining got into a place of reprimand
Now we are sitting on a plane
Together yet worlds apart
I want to put down the armrest
Cuddle and get frisky as eyes dart
Speaking of eyes
And touching me so
Remember fucking in a nude resort
If only you were aware of where your attention would go
Eye contact from me to you
As you’re deep inside
You look for a second then away
Wanting to see who you can surprise
Staring at strangers
Staring at us
I wish you’d hold me
On every plane or bus
48 hours left together
You’re on your phone
More important for you to scroll insta
Than cherish these last days before being alone
I’m here, waiting
Have been for a long time
Waiting for the day you want to put me first
The day I can finally call you mine
Until then I’m practicing
That goddamn unconditional love
Like right now being patient
In each state we fly above
I want to hold your hand
I want you to show me you care
Gave you a gift this morning
The only connecting moment we’ve shared
Why not include me
Tell me a story, read me a text
Too busy in your own world to communicate
Let alone flirt or sext
Angsty poetry is helping right now
Grateful for words helping express
Going to close my eyes now
Maybe heal the heartbreak with some rest