This Isn’t The First Lifetime We’ve Met
A knowing this isn’t the first lifetime
We’ve met in person like this
Remembering how easy it was to lean in
On the beach for our first kiss
This won’t be the last lifetime
Able to promise that
I’ll look for you and wait
Togetherness taking a new format
The life we have now
Is one where we’ve both learned
Healing from abusive past lovers
Old programs getting overturned
I’m sorry she hurt you
I’m sorry she’s still hurting your boy
I’m sorry I had to threaten a restraining order
I’m sorry she’s treating children like a toy
Sometimes I wonder if what hurts her the most
Is that I see the world in your eyes
That I believe in you and know you’re whole
Her false judgements no longer getting a rise
I can’t love anyone to wholeness
Just like you can’t help someone do their shadow work
But I can love your imperfections
Shower you with support and lovingly smirk
You’re a good dad
You’ve got a big heart
You’re growing, babe
And this is only the start
I’m happy to be by your side
Already looking to adventure next
All I need from you is patience, love
And some XXX rated sex