The Devil Came for Tea
Hello, Old Friend
The devil came for tea
Sat down and silently sipped
The room was warm, familiar
Oddly quiet when a hand slipped
Hot water running
Down the side of an oak end table
The devil kept on sipping
Eyes down, legs crossed, hand stable
How will this play out?
Shame, shout?
Sounds of waves crashing
As each drop hit the floor
Steady stream of deep amber
Deafening drops broken by the sound of a creaking door
Hello, old friend
The devils eyes darted up
A smirk crossing glistening lips
Beautiful, innocent, benevolent, corrupt
The shuffling of boots
Heavy and slow thuds grace the grain
Hardwood floor glistening with tea
And the stepping of a presence on new terrain
The old friend sat down
Nobody said a word
There was no need
Unspoken penance incurred
It’s not about the tea
Or the mess, or the cup
The welcomed old friend
Is where to interrupt
Welcoming error
Slips and mistakes
Opening the door to the past
Something worthy of forsakes
We can sit with the devil
Warm herbs in a cup are simply tea
What timeline we invite in
Is up to us to foresee