Talked to a Non-Binary Transgender Woman Therapist Today
Talked to a therapist today
A non-binary transgender woman
She spoke to me bluntly
Making me laugh hysterically and still…
Every warning from everyone I know
And the stranger I just befriended
Everyone is asking me what the fuck I’m doing
Why have I put up with your awful treatment and not ended?
The problem is when I ask myself the same
I know all of the reasons
Good sex, moments of seeing your highest self
Someone who has been much more than a season
Red flags everywhere
How you’re quick to watch porn
The way you easier left me at Sea Mountain
How you blame the ex’s scorn
Not taking ownership of your behavior
Only fleeting glimpses of seeing others
Too focus on the victim mentality and self loathing
Too caught up giving power away to children’s mothers
I forgave
Again and again
The merry go round is slowing down
Dwindling to its very end