Poly Throuple Crash & Burned
A Unicorn’s Perspective
Blindsided by a 38 year old boy
Who presented as a man
One who needed constant validation
Cooking for compliments in an egoic frying pan
The moment that man-child was confronted
With an uncomfortable truth
Screamed and shouted and kicked people out
Wishing the words had not been sooth
Wanted a prize for dad of the year
When reality was he just didn’t have a job
Was a biological father, yes
And a smoke and mirrors hobnob
She did the work
Mama of the year
Working, cooking, leading, organizing
You’re brilliant, dear
Standing by his side
Mute of her own decisions
Who could blame her though
Deathly afraid of a marital collision
Claimed to be people
Who could love many
Turns out they were just swingers
Sexual relationships with one thousand and twenty
Experts on relationships
Except when it comes to their own
Working well together
And with anyone else they could bone
Until the feelings got involved
Claimed to be expert at communication
Feelings hurt when someone didn’t want to proceed without protection
His demise a personal causation
Had a childhood vendetta to live out
A personal wound to heal through kin
Created a child with a purpose to show
He had somehow tamed the demons within
Just because you don’t beat your child
Doesn’t mean you earn a gold star
Human kindness extended to everyone
Based on your interactions near AND far
Adverse to hard conversations
Claiming to be spiritual but to what regard?
Unable to hold space for duality
Real confrontation leaves that human charred
Burned, enraged,
a childish shell
An almost 40 year old boy
Who still screams and yells
Wanted to be daddy of the year
Praised himself for being a stay at home dad
Black and white facts about engagement
The truth made him mad
Mad that the iPad
Spends more time with the child than him
Foaming at the mouth
Somehow frustrated he didn’t win
It’s not a game
Drop the facade
Take the truth on the chin
The massive one attached to that dad bod
No more steroids being used
Bummed the easy route no longer exists
Spent a lifetime injecting helpers
Real skills is what was missed
Skills of how to work harder and smarter
Rather than rely on an easy route
Claims to titles like model, poly, spiritual
Ego thriving on a minuscule amount of clout
Even had an app to show
When people unfollowed on Instagram
Got in a heated discussion defending the use
When purpose was questioned by a ma’am
A simple question
“What do you gain from that?”
‘Well I see where we stand!’
‘I must know where they sat!’
“What if it’s not personal?”
“Ever thought it may not be about you?”
‘Of course it’s about me!’
‘They followed and unfollowed ME! It’s true!’
Yes, it’s fact
What you’re making it mean is about value
Maybe they are re-curating their world
You’re not a part of it, and it’s not an issue
Taking about best friends forever
How there’s two he sees as family
Yet talks about all the things he doesn’t like
Judging like an examinee
Or the countless hookups that would come in
Enthralled by the pretty house and hot wife
Look what I have, who I am, what I’ve done
This picture perfect swinger life
Lifetime memberships paid
To all the hookup apps
Said everything is perfect — done looking
The next day that statement causing laughs
‘Hey I’m still swiping.. didn’t want you to judge’
‘Told you I was done, had a little relapse’
Needed ego stroked more
Never ending praise and claps
Swiping to the end of five plus sites daily
First thing upon waking, all day long, relapse