PLEASE, Get a Vasectomy
Please, get a vasectomy
Please, oh pretty please
Snip that lil sack
Nobody, I mean nobody
Deserves the engagement of a man
Who will never have your back
Get this…
His ex wife can be in your face
And he will simply stand there
She can bully and harass
Show up to your home unannounced
And he won’t care
Refuses to take ownership
Of the lack of boundaries and respect
Spent thousands of dollars on new sex toys
Money into sex club memberships too, correct
Didn’t even say thanks for the shoes I bought his son
The ones he wears to school and the new Nike slides
Didn’t pay for my ticket to the movie he invited me too
Or dinner before.. or the movie snack sides
Spent hundreds on gas
Driving to and from Tinder dates
No job for more than half the year
Complains no money, prioritizes lifting weights
Hours spent in the gym
We respect the hustle
Complaining about not having a home
While taking drugs to build muscles
No bank for the kids
No funds or quality time spent
Alcoholic beverages and sex club memberships
More important than rent
Pretty please
Leave everyone alone
Ain’t no human deserve this
Lure them in
Egoic and shadow reasons
Use them, abuse them, then a final kiss
Your engagement almost killed your first wife
Oh.. and of course you too
A friend wrestling a gun out of your mouth
A story your hide except for the chosen few
Next came wife number two
Who you said you never wanted to date
But you knocked her up and did the “good Christian” thing
By staying and adding to the birth rate
Then comes baby number two
Well, technically three
This one from your decision to fuck
And then she raped you, unable to flee
Yet you stayed
Just like I did.. for far too long
Listen to someone when they sing
That godforsaken song
Pretty please, don’t date until you’re ready for divine partnership
Nobody.. and I mean NOBODY deserves for you to engage them the way you do
It almost killed you and Katiebeth
Then Nickie went bonkers. And I almost did too..
Then I came back from it stronger, more vulnerable, forgiving
Compassionate, and heart-centered
Please for the love of god, satan, or whatever supreme being you pray to..
Don’t do this to anyone else, ill-tempered
If you’re going to work on yourself
Do it without leaving more destruction and drama in your path
Actually do the honest work this time
Ain’t nobody deserve the ruins of your self-inflicted wrath