(Not so) Happy One Year Anniversary
Over 365 days of daily dedication
And you didn’t tell me Happy One Year
I messaged you about it twice
Nothing.. not a single word for me to hear
Last Valentine’s Day I was dedicated to you
You spent the day with the ex wife
You wrote a Valentine’s, poem, and sucker for another
And somehow you think not talking to me will end the strife
“Enjoy your week
Now that you don’t have to worry about me and my drama”
As if it’s that’s easy
Seems like you’re doing this to please that baby mama
It’s not so simple
To just go “ok bye”
For you to be so cold
And never fully try
I thought this was the first time
We we’re starting on the same page
You’ve been cleaning up the lies
And I’ve been burning the sage
Looks like we both know
Who the resilient one is
It’s not the one who projected their own turmoil
And “your drama” has been our biz
We’ve been weaving a life together
You said you were going to make it up to me
No more lies or cheating
Get a home base, a property
I put the kids first
Even if you don’t see it that way
I’m my own person too
Where’s the respect for what I have to say?
All about you
Selfish as can be
Spent 2 weeks cheating first chance you got
And then except all to be let free
You’re supposed to make amends
Grow, make up for it and treat me right
Yet all you’ve done is give up
No nudes so you go fly a kite
I have been delusional
Believed your gaslighting
Saw you as a warrior
But instead of protecting us, it’s the ex you’re fighting
Saw your potential as a divine masculine being
Even was willing to give you another chance after you were absolute scum
More worried about what people think of you
A coward too lazy to change so he decides to run
There’s something I need to know
You had told me you ordered a collar
Said it wasn’t going to come in for a while
But that you submitted the order, spent the dollars
Yet the other night
You had me put the collar I got myself on me
Making me repeat I’m “Daddy’s good little slut”
I’m wondering if the irony you see..
I’m my own little slut
An Angel with a massive heart
You’ve never collared or engaged me
Yet I treated you like you had from the start
Learnings for me
Don’t give someone so much privilege
Especially when they refuse to follow through
You built nothing and I was preparing to nest a village
The craziest part of all of this
Is that I’d forgive if you followed through
If you showed me your integrity
If only you treated me better, boo
Dedicated a decade to a narcissist
Letting her physically abuse you
No wonder you tried to convince me to build “thicker skin”
Taking her torment is easier than your boundary follow through