New Relationship Energy (NRE)
A Love Poem with a Desire to Share More
I wonder what you’re doing, ya know
Think about you all the time
Wondering what has your attention
Who is experiencing your shine
My thoughts flutter to you constantly
Bahh, can’t wait to tell her this
I may sound like a broken record
But damn do I miss your touch and kiss
I’m sorry for any heartbreak
I’ve ever inflicted towards you
I want to give you the world
Yet sometimes I share very few
Fewer moments than I want to
There is no excuse, yet I have to work
Make money, buy land
Build space for us to giggle and twerk
That ass pic you had him send me
Brought me an insane amount of delight
Rocking a perfect face and pure aura
AND a booty that’s an otherworldly site
My time is what is my most limited resource
Yet I’m the one who chooses what I do
I hope you know right now I’m grinding
And my carrot at the end is to love on you
I want to build a mission together
Be in more shared space
I want to grab that soft cold ass
And gently kiss your glowing face
Love you, mama
Thinking about you still
You’ve got my heart
For you, I’d kill