Letter to a Lover’s Hostile Ex
Leave us ALONE
I’m not going anywhere
I love this man and what we co-create
Truth continues to set us free
No more of the interrogation or berate
He’s better than ever
Healing from past trauma together
He singing openly and freely
10 months from nihilistic to dancing in all weather
More than demanding truth
I tell it and hold space for his
Moving at a pace that feels good for both
And frankly, none of this is your biz
Life will continue to pass us by
Each day is a fathaafuckin GIFT
That’s why it didn’t hurt me when you asked
What if I died, so swift
The kids won’t remember me?
Well that’s just fine
I’m not in the business for credit or awards
Rather, in it for moment of basking in divine
Divinity is created
In each moment of presence
Giggling and teaching the innocent
Learning and being, unconcerned with severance
My experience is mine alone
My world is being shared and created anew
With a happy, whole, healthy partner by my side
Enough with projecting those stories.. so skewed
Ya had a shitty time, relationship
Less than ideal decade of life
That’s not for anyone else to carry or change
I’m not here to manage your strife
Here to love and be loved
I’ll take good and bad.. it will all suffice
Dancing through tears and mistakes
And dancing extra on the day I become his wife
I’m exactly where I should be
By my King’s side
Supporting his decisions
Not letting a 10 year old decide
No kid chooses
Who their parents love and adore
It’s not for them to censor
Or try to settle their parents score
The gaslighting and victim mentality
Is getting really old
I didn’t meet you to play therapist
And this behavior smells like mold
Like unsettled, unfinished
Unprocessed neglect
You’re going to crash honey
If you keep up with the rubber neck
Enough looking behind you
Or projecting into others existence
She won’t ever be today years old again
Enough with the resistance
Resisting the reality of here and no
I’m. Not. Going. Anywhere.
Enjoying every trip I take with my love
Unbothered by your judgmental stare
The only thing shameful here
Is a woman shaming another
14 years older and none the wiser
Did you know Amadeus asked us for a brother?
It wouldn’t matter if you wanted your ex back
He wants nothing to do with you intrusive self
You’re not a hero of my story
Barely a line in a chapter in a book on a shelf
I’m staying heart centered
Like I was when we met Sunday morning
I see you for the passionate person you are
Yet all this drama is rather boring
I don’t owe you a damn thing
We will continue to cross paths
Looking forward to watching the kids grow
Did he tell you about the party light baths?
Cheers to being civil
Staying grounded and real
I’m going to remain friendly
And am not responsible for how you feel
Sending you love
Whether or not you receive it is your choice
I admire your fire
And the steadiness of your voice
I’ve heard you out
I may even do it again
Cheers to being parents
And raising the next gen
I will continue to hug on my man
Show the kids what healthy love looks like
Can’t wait to watch them love others
And see baby girl ride a two wheeled bike
The only thing inappropriate here
Is your constant harassment
Keep it up buttercup and a restraining order
Will be your embarrassment
Leave. Me. (AND my family) Alone
I’m living my best
Stop harassing my lover
See a therapist to destress
You’re not entitled to my time
You’re not entitled to know about Kyle
Yet you keep demanding answers
No respond because it’s not worthwhile
Wrote this poem
As a way to channel and work through the YUCK
Ya keep pawning it off on others
It doesn’t work because nobody gives a FUCK
So be kind and stay in your lane
Your judgements are aging you quickly
Resentments, shaming, blaming
Over time make a person sickly
Go forth in good health
Move on and do better
Instead of texting me
Write your future self a letter
Would she be proud of your behavior now?
Or would there be some disgrace?
Would future you look back with admiration?
Or disappointed in the constant scowl on your face?
I’m unconcerned with your existence
Your depressive words carry no weight
I’m going to block you now
Boundaries for you the ultimate checkmate
Tell the kids I love em
Or don’t.. your choice
I do, very much so
And I’ll tell them with my own voice
Love you too..
Ya know.
Loving everyone unconditionally
The best way to grow.
Another day
Another lie
From you
Not from my guy
Why are you involving a child?
Stop telling Amadeus your woes
Grow up and get help
Ya need it, everyone knows
A child is NOT
Your psychological punching bag
His dad is a good father
Everyone waving a white flag
Stop fighting a war that doesn’t exist
Enough with texting your ex’s parents
Nobody needs your drama
Or drunk angry incoherence
Get a grip of reality
Life isn’t what you thought
Deal with the here and now
Web of your stories has you caught
Caught in a fake reality
Unable to cope with the truth
The longer you wait to realize
The harder the burns are to soothe
Of course the kids are safe
Anytime I’m around
Watching baby climb a ladder
Spotting so she doesn’t tumble to the ground
I didn’t tell you that
To suggest something wrong with Dad
We are all safer in his presence
Our life is pretty rad
Enough of trying this desperately
To incriminate innocent loving people
For someone who preaches spirituality
You’re acting like a wounded sheeple
People are repeating to you
He’s a “good dad” bc you’re acting mad
Harassing old friends and ex in laws
Trying to justify that your behavior isn’t sad
Nobody walks around saying
“Nicole is a good mom”
Why? Because nobody cares
And your emotions are a ticking bomb
Amadeus came up with the cutest nickname
Calling me all sorts of endearing things
Zion gives me running hugs
And you told me not to hug my lover when the phone rings
Silly girl
It’s time to learn your place
It’s taking care of the kids every other week
And putting a smile on that face
No more stalking me
A restraining order will be a drag
No more acting like KatieBeth
Holding resentments, becoming a hag
Join forces
By staying in your lane
Be civil and focused on logistics
Dropping off kids shouldn’t be a pain
I fucking love my family
I’d die for my partner and kids
You’d be invited to the funeral
Death, heaven forbid
Going to live a long healthy life
One full of growth and grins
You can choose that too
If you forgive yourself for your sins
Pushing everything off on K
As if you didn’t physically and verbally abuse
For someone so riotous and judgmental
Your uber quick to accuse
You’ve been divorced for a while
Why’d you just ask him to play house
Bring kids back to your place each day
Stay there until bedtime like a spouse
Desperate and bold
To think any sane person would say yes
You keep blaming him for everything
As if you weren’t a part of your own mess
You physically assaulted him
On more than one occasion
In private when nobody was looking
And amongst company, boundary invasion
Then you cast your judgements
When life doesn’t go your way
He let’s you.. his mistake
Learning each and every day
Move on, sweetie
Nobody is interested in your games
Let reality sink in
You were never twin flames