Laying There Feeling Your Tongue
Taking your time… making me cum..
Mind keeps wandering
Let’s get that hotel room
Can’t sleep in this place
Let our bodies mingle and bloom
Dreaming of blooming wide open
Laying there feeling your tongue
Tongue and lips suckle and tease
Taking your time making me cum
After basking in blooming
And playing with all of the wet
I imagine your fingers slipping inside
All the way to the G spot.. bet
So open, so inviting
One finger, two, three finger four
Feeling the intoxicating pressure
My eyes watching yours
Love to see you get lost
Lost inside my pink soft space
A few fingers grab hold from inside
You keep them there as you come up to kiss my face
This alone almost sends me over the edge
You know I like this; Letting out an involuntary moan
Your fingers curl again and kiss me harder
Energies exchanging at the highest tone
Taking your wet fingers
And stimulating my chest
Ever so slowly
Licking the wet off my chest
You put on a condom
Because you’re now a forever man
Never making me stop the fun
To remind you to wear a band
Taking your time
Rolling the rubber down your cock
Knowing full well I’m watching
Touching myself as I see your rock
You straddle me; Penis in hand
But you’re not emerging yet
Taking this part of you and tapping it so gently onto my open flower
Ready to come a second time, dripping wet
After minutes of this
The ultimate amount of tender taps
Whole body shaking
Eager to mount your lap
Rock hard and eager to mingle
Deep deep inside
I mount on top of you
Warmed up and eager to ride
Slipping you in slowly
Slower than you’ve ever felt
Your hips begin to rise craving quicker
I push them down, allowing myself to melt
Melt into your hips
As close as we could possibly be
Ever so slightly beginning to rock
Your eyes still locked into me
Riding slow and building up
Faster and harder each stroke
You say you’re going to come
Soaking in your words like smoke
Slowing down, stopping movement
Letting pressure rise again
Contracting my pussy around your cock
Letting her hug her most favorite friend
Giving you a little smirk
Knowing what’s going to happen next
You use both hands to hold on
To my erect nipples and breasts
Picking pace back up
A deep guttural moan escapes each mouth
No thoughts remain, just tapped in
To the intensity building down south
The intensity feels like a tingly explosion
Encompassing each cell one by one
We ride in sync
You cover my clit with your thumb
The feeling of your hands; On my breast and clit
And dick buried deep inside
Is just the right about of holy fuck
Seeing stars light up my third eye
Breath getting deeper
Both of us huffing in-sync
As your penis gets even fuller
Deep inside my pink
Worlds collide
Breath is it at max oxygenation
Trembling in each other’s arms
The ultimate intoxication
Staying there connected
Even after our breath begins to return
Stunned by the immense white light
Body parts basking in a residual pulsing burn
I slip out, off of your lap
You immediately pull my face close
Hand around my neck you look me in the eyes
Telling me I mean the most
I smile so big
The only word my full heart can muster
And burry my head into your chest
Embodying every ounce of luster
We did it again
And we will do it forever
This time consummated this new chapter
An intimate closeness we hadn’t yet experienced together
So cheers to us
To pleasure, to taking our time
To bodies meshing, minds engaging
And the sexiness that’s in this rhyme