God Isn’t a Sky Daddy
The Great Omen
Another day of life reps
Spending moments laughing, dancing
Engaging humans that haven’t yet met
“We are all gods children”
I used to laugh and roll my eyes
this was something the priest spoke true
The whole “you’ll burn in hell if you don’t follow these rules” part was a lie
Those words filled with wisdom
Far beyond this lifetimes years
God isn’t a sky daddy, rather,
Source took a breath and we are all reflections in the mirror
Consciousness getting to know itself
Everything a balance between yin and yang
The light, the dark, the divine feminine and masculine
the moment GOD asked “what if I sang?”
Birds chirp, wind blows
Insects rub their wings
Senses, feelings, stimulus started
The universe started to sing
An overarching hum
The great omen
Creating unmet chaos
the purest of zen