Get to Know Your Babygirl or Leave
I’m not your Babygirl
You don’t just get me as default
Not putting in the work or being kind
Assuming negative attentions and claiming fault
Stop that, NO MAS
No Daddy of mine acts that way
If you want this Babygirl
Speak sweetly and give her the time of day
She has been watching you plan dates
With women a decade and a half younger
Asked if she could play music and you acted offended
Babygirl just wanted to do right by you, a good girl hunger
Showing respect by asking and not assuming
Messaging to communicate and plan time
Yet Daddy gets defensive and claims he communicated clearly
Then dismisses the whole thing, standing Babygirl up is a crime
Yes, you did tell her that your ex called you earlier that day
Kicking off the call saying “hello, mother lover”
Now you ask me to call you that, no thanks
Still not even sure of your real name, undercover
On a call this morning
Claiming you are still getting to know me
Yet you don’t ask questions, make assumptions
Limited to an occasional uncomfortable pleasantry
Here are some things you should know
Babygirl isn’t going to wait around indefinitely
Now if your chance to make a move
Once your done recovering from publicly fucking your ex, celibacy
Babygirl’s favorite trees are willow
She loves flowers that are black and deep purples and reds
Her demeanor is open, intense, present
She comes when you finger her while giving head
Wait until you get to feel yourself inside of her
If she chooses to wait even longer to be penetrated
She fucks back with her pussy pulling you in further
More power, magnetism, connection, love generated
Let’s back it up
First, give her words of affirmation
She needs to hear it and believe it
Then give her flirtation
Touch her more than you do everyone else
Encourage her the way you do your friends
Make her know you care with every move
When you hurt her, make amends
Follow through on what you say
Otherwise you’re teaching her to distrust
You’ve already lied multiples times
Clear the air or it leads to disgust
Babygirl deserves affection
Not to be asked if we can hug
Sweep her off her feet, damnit
At her heart, you may tug
Yesterday she watched you hug a dozen people
Yet you hesitated with her
Made Babygirl come to you
She wants YOU to make the move, make her purrrr
If you want to get to know her
First clear all of the stories you continue to tell
She’s been begging you to stop repeating the inaccuracy
She even cried, but never did yell
Staying calm, cool, collected
She’s been incredibly patient with you
Holding space for you as you prioritize all else
Even when it makes her feel blue
Babygirl wants a partner, a family, a deep connection
She’s happy and growing in all aspects of life
Only holding space for a little bit longer
Going to severe the energetic cords if there’s no chance of being your wife