Farewell to a Lying, Porn-Addicted Ex

Saiy My Name
2 min readDec 6, 2022


Did none of it matter?
If the final goodbye…
Comes from lack of nudes on your phone
Not addressing you’ve been living a lie

Of all of things to be the final straw
Yours is not having photos for a minute
Something I offered to return fully
Once trust is reestablished to a base limit

Can you do it?
Keep going on living without watching porn
No masturbatory material on phone
Will you channel the energy and transform?

Into someone who tells the truth
Who is nurturing to others
Someone who is willing to put in the work
To fix the damage done — not hide under covers

To call it quits
Before even trying
You said you’d rebuilt trust
Now I’m alone and crying

I want action steps
You want an easy way out
I want to forgive and move forward
You want to sulk and pout

You said I wasn’t resilient
Then rightfully apologized
Realizing that’s a pot calling the kettle black
And another pile of lies

You’re resilience ends
At “sorry, I messed up”
You’ve been given opportunities
To rebuilt and fill this cup

The one thing I wanted to say
Is I’m sorry — I should have realized this sooner
It’s more important for me to see you’ve deleted old photos of the ex
The one who you’ve allowed to be a relationship ruiner

Delete those photos
And I’ll send you all of ours
Follow through and build foundation
So we can build the highest towers

Amadeus deserves a dad
Who shows him what healthy relationship is
That’s not going to come from exes
That comes from stability with your Ms

I am your Ms
And was willing to be your Mrs
Not interested in your coward and quit
Could have shown up with purpose and kisses




Saiy My Name
Saiy My Name

Written by Saiy My Name

These poems serve two purposes… 1) The clarity they provide me. And the greatest reason I feel compelled to share.. 2) For you to experience the “we.”

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