Can We Finish This Discussion Later?
Later Never Came — Words of a Traitor
Days ago you asked
Can we finish this discussion later?
I said yes and later never came
Days pass, no action.. words of a traitor
Yesterday morning asked your intention
You said “communication”
24 hours later still no reopened discussion
Been begging but still no affirmation
Any affirmation that you want to be here
Any notice if my sexual lover is still there
Any inclination of a bright future
You just sit and stare
Stare off into the distance
Really, anywhere but me
Last night asking what you saw
“Just looking around” still no eye contact.. you see
I’ve been patient
I’ve been kind
If something doesn’t change
I’m going to lose my mind
I need more love
At least a baseline amount
Eye contact and intimate touch
Or you can put money in my bank account
Done being a part of your game
If you don’t treat me like a teammate
You can pay me for my time
Since all you’re doing is making me wait
Wait for maybe one day you’ll show up
Finish that discussion we are waiting on you for
Desperately hoping one day you’ll want me physically
So much for being your little whore
If this doesn’t change
We are done with D/S for good
It was supposed to connect us deeper
Right now feeling greatly misunderstood
Please love me, please
Listen to my cries
Putting laundry in and forgetting it isn’t “helpful”
Neither is all of the lies
You fed me lies
Saying you couldn’t wait to touch
Or how we were setting a foundation
Well damn, it wasn’t much
Because a week in
You’re already over it
Relationships should be uplifting
The neglect here is making me feel like shit
Take this opportunity to love
I beg of you
Make a drastic change, today
Or we are through