A Polite F*ck Off to the Ex Wife
I’ve been stalked and harassed for nearly a year
To my partner’s X… wipe the jealousy off your face
You’re still posting photos of him while slandering all men
The emotional rollercoaster and lashing out is a massive disgrace
See a therapist
Begin to process and integrate
You’re divorced and single
Enough with the drama & berate
Stop involving the children
You’re using a 6yo as an emotional punching bag
That poor kid deserves better
And enough with the age comments.. making yourself sound like a hag
We get it you’re older
And jealous of my existence
Stop stalking me, please
As if anyone asking you nicely will make a difference
I’m not here to compete
We are living completely different lives
Enough with the DRAMA
I’m his partner, you’re just one of the old wives