12 Days to Witness
Trusting Inner Wisdom While Traveling Solo
I knew I needed to return here
No reason to question the why
Trusting the deep inner wisdom
Is not for the meek or shy
It takes confidence, guts
Ovaries… if you will
To do the damn thing
Not understand it until…
Well, maybe never
Sometimes it passes
Or knocks the wind out of lungs
Evaporated in gases
How can we trust what is
Already here, present
How can we decipher wisdom
When it’s not always pleasant
Well trusted it I did
Regardless of the why
I made it back to this sliver of Earth
Currently lying under the sky
Looking up at the clouds
Deep grays and blues
Just as it should be
Through phases of moons
Karmic loops have been closing
It’s appearing to me one nugget at a time
Finalized some things
Sat still enough to make rhymes
Met old friends
I like to call them tribe
Settled into my human
Laughed until I cried
12 days left
In this vaguely familiar realm
Met the man with the olive tree cane
Stood and gawked at witch’s elm
Asked questions
Listened for answers
Searched for feathers
Freed my spirits dancers
Saw a pristine four foot snake skin
Skipped when nobody could see
Got butterflies from the woman in the pickup
Placed open palms on willow trees
This isn’t done
There’s more to why this return
12 days to witness
While watching this 3D world burn